Hello! I am working nowadays at a little script that reads mail (gmail).Nothing fancy here.The only problem is that i want to check if pop is enabled and if not to enable it from my python script. Do you know some way[s] to do that?I've tried googling but all i got is how to connect to gmail,thing that i know.
Thanks a lot.

Can you give us your present code, just to see how this may fit in.

Sorry,I have it on cvs repo at wich i don't have access right away.For the begining it's nothing more than few lines of code that show how many messages,how much bytes u have in your gmail inbox.I want to make it bigger and automatise it but this might be a problem with enabling pop3.

/offtopic: Ene Uran: can u tell me where are u from if i'm not too curious? :)

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