I am developing an automation system using PC. I have built quite a big hardware but when it comes to Visual Basic, I am a novice. I have done a lot but need help in using database. I know how to link it in VB, i.e by using datacontrols(i prefer it over adocontrols) and linking them with labels etc BUT I dont know how to create a database and how to extract and use its data.
The database i need would contain date,time, id and operations field. Can any one tell me how can i create such a db in VB using visdata or in MS-access.... which ever is easiest

And how do I extract the date/time and compare it with current PC time.. then if found matched read other field values else progress forward.
Can anyone help me around on these "simple" issues. Codes or links to tutorials will do great!

make the database in MS access thats the easiest


Use MS-Access,
Go to MS-Access, Select NewDatabase Option,
Enter Path and Name , Say Create.
Click On New-->>Design View-->> OK
Enter Field Name, Type : Date/Time (Stores Both).

In VB, to get System Date :
System Time :

Compare Dates :
If Format(CDate(Text1.Text),"dd-mm-yyyy") =
Format(Date,"dd-mm-yyyy") Then
' Write ur coding Here
End If



Use MS-Access,
Go to MS-Access, Select NewDatabase Option,
Enter Path and Name , Say Create.
Click On New-->>Design View-->> OK
Enter Field Name, Type : Date/Time (Stores Both).

In VB, to get System Date :
System Time :

Compare Dates :
If Format(CDate(Text1.Text),"dd-mm-yyyy") =
Format(Date,"dd-mm-yyyy") Then
' Write ur coding Here
End If


Thanks... that was great help. It was the same kind of code that I needed. But all to thanks Allah i had already accomplished the task. Got a hand on a very good tutroial on VB, perfect for novice and enough to build real applications. Incase anyone ever need help, i am listing the web address of that tutorial.


I'll include a bit of my intro as well as i am a newbie on this website. I am a student of Electronics Engg. and am building an automation system using Powerline Communications based on Personal Computer and Embedded Systems. Needed help for the same... and incase anyone ever find any problems in area listed above.. plz donot hesitate to ask..(send a private msg)

tc thanks

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