OK, I' m just starting C++, I've written a few really simple programs, like calculations and displaying stuff etc. I've used Borland's Turbo C++ 4.5 and DEV C++ to write and compile few of theses progams, I run a Windows XP home OS. The Question I have is: Why, whenever I click on one of the programs I've Compiled with DEV C++ they only flash on screen for a short while then close, without showing what they are supposed to? I haven't tried the ones compiled with Borland C++ on the Xp machine yet.

I know what I tell some of them to do are happening because I glimpsed the ones with the writings that I have written on screen but they close by themselves, the ones I have written that require use inputs wait until the info is entered then close, could anyone give me advice regarding what could be the cause of this.

I've Written a few of these programs using Borland Turbo C++ on an ME system and they run until I close them, I think there is a bit of a difference between DEV C++ and Borland C++, source codes I have written in Dev C++ do not compile on Borland C++ - they return errors and vice versa. Could this be an issue with standards?

This might sound a bit odd to the more experienced people but this is kinda bothering me a bit.

To make the output window stay you can make the program wait for the user to press a key, so that you get to see the output of your program.

If using C++ you can place cin.get( ) at the end of your program, before return 0.

If using C, you can place getchar( ) at the end of your program, before return 0.

I think that Dev C++ follows the standard better, since it really uses a very common open source compiler. A program should close unless you make it wait within the code. Anything else is added by the IDE and is not standard.

Your version of Borland C++ is very old. Also Borland has a long history of straying from the standards. I am really surprised they are still around.

"system("PAUSE");" can make the console window stay until you press any key.

I think that Dev C++ follows the standard better, since it really uses a very common open source compiler. A program should close unless you make it wait within the code. Anything else is added by the IDE and is not standard.

Your version of Borland C++ is very old. Also Borland has a long history of straying from the standards. I am really surprised they are still around.

Agreed...better get a modern compiler which discourage you by disallowing you from using non standard functions.

"system("PAUSE");" can make the console window stay until you press any key.

This is bad programming practice and for the reasons why, you can see a really good article by my friend and moderator Mr. WaltP.

This is bad programming practice and for the reasons why, you can see a really good article by my friend and moderator Mr. WaltP.

However, I think Lynqu2 will not use it ("system("PAUSE");" ) in any engineering projects.:)

Bad programming practice is bad programming practice, be it a simple "hello world" program or a complete software.

Maybe time and experience will teach you that, but lets hope its not the hard way for you....;)

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