Ive been working on this poker program for a while now and ive tried several different ways to make a poker game...i have to make it using very basic c++ ...ill try to post what i already have done

i dont know very much about c as of yet, but from what happend to me and looking at your source you forgot to add a line for what to do if your choice is somthing other than 0 1, it needs a value for Null (no entry) and all characters numbers from a-z 2-9 (because 1 and 0 are being used they are excluded) because when i just pressed enter the program got stuck in a loop and started spitting a line of text which i couldnt read, as fast as the computer could. also when it asked for a name, it never gave me a chance to enter my name, the program merely proceeded to the next line.

I'm sorry but when you want to program something in c++ you have to have backend stuff aswell. You have nothing in the "game" to manage a deck, deal a hand, rate the hand or anything. So far you have done the easy part which is to say what it should output.

commented: Yeah, and you did the easy part of showing up 5 YEARS LATE -7
commented: bumped a seriously old thread. -2
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