Create a DVD rental shop system using OBJECT ORIENTED programming approach. The system will create a list of ten DVD’s that can be rented from the rental shop. The system is used via the command line. When the shop begins trading a list of available DVD’s will be displayed. The user can select a video to rent via the command line, the system will then reprint the list of DVD’s that have been rented and a separate list of DVD’s that are available to rent. The program will terminate when the users enters the string “Quit”.

i didnt expect some1 else 2 d this 4 me . Dont get me wrong i'd b delighted if some1 did 4 me cause i hate programming . I thought that some1 maybe able 2 give me a fews tips. Like how to print out 2 wats on loan and wats off loan seperately .

i didnt expect some1 else 2 d this 4 me .

Then post the code that you've written to show that you're at least trying.

Dont get me wrong i'd b delighted if some1 did 4 me cause i hate programming .

If you hate programming, how come you signed up for it?

I thought that some1 maybe able 2 give me a fews tips. Like how to print out 2 wats on loan and wats off loan seperately .

Why don't you stop using numerals in the place of words? It takes a fraction of a second longer, and it makes it much easier to read.

I can't really explain until I know what you mean. What's off loan and what's on? Keep track of a variable and test it before printing out values. That's all I can say.

commented: works for me - Salem +5

> i didnt expect some1 else 2 d this 4 me
You mean your post which completely lacked
- a question of any sort
- a statement of any sort as to what you'd managed to do so far.

It was just a dump of your assignment, nothing more, nothing less, with 0% effort so far on your part.

I mean, something like "this is my DVD class, how do I represent two different lists (in store and on loan)" would have been a much better post.

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