help,i was doing C++ programming,i'm beginner and when i was coding something,there comes a cursor that blinks and when ever i press enter it delets characters i wrote,how can i stop that,help?

Sorry, to vague. Are you talking about your compiler? Which are you using?

wats ur problem, exactly ?
check the 'INSERT' key.

Pressing the INSERT key causes the editor to toggle between insert
mode and overlay mode. In insert mode, when you type, characters
to the right of the cursor are moved to the right to make room. In
overlay mode, when you type, characters to the right of the
cursor are replaced by the characters being typed.

If you're in delete mode, try pressing the insert key as suggested.

What editor are you using?

hey,thanks it worked,i didn't know what mode i was in ,
c++ is really hard,

hey,thanks it worked,i didn't know what mode i was in ,
c++ is really hard,

C++ has nothing to do with it. It's just a matter of getting used to your editor. You'd have been having the same problems if you'd tried to type a letter with your IDE. :)

Just to make you feel better, I've often accidently hit the insert key when I'm coding and not realized it, and then boy, do I get a surprise when I try to use the backspace key next!

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