I am using Visual Basic 2005 express (.net)

1) How would one get a SINGLE keypress in the console? (the equivilant to INKEY$ in QBASIC)

2) crap, i forgot my other question! Oh well. Chances are i will remember in a few minutes :lol:

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A single key press?

What are you trying to do. I bet you can use a String for this instead.

And the console.readline()

I just want to catch a single key press, and make it do something. I want it so when a key is pressed, nothing is displayed on the screen (as console.readline() does...)

I just want a silent (non noticable) action to take place when a key is pressed. Something like this;

Please press 'k' to do this
Please press "x" to exit the program

I just want to press the key, and not have to worry about pressing return.

Bummer. I just read a few posts on other forums, and they all said that it can not be done. :(

Is there a way i could catch the key press from a WinAPI message?

Bummer. I just read a few posts on other forums, and they all said that it can not be done. :(

Is there a way i could catch the key press from a WinAPI message?

well why dont you try the keyPress event.. and is it a windows application or a console application.. if you are using windows then try using the forms-> keypress event :-|

arjunsasidharan is right.
On your form properties set the KeyPreview to true. Then use code simular to this:

Private Sub Form1_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyPress
        Select Case e.KeyChar
            Case "k", "K"
                MessageBox.Show("k was pressed")
            Case "x", "X"
        End Select
    End Sub

It is a console app. I know how to do it in a windows app (gui), but not in the console.

Then try this:

Module Module1
    Private theKey As ConsoleKeyInfo = New ConsoleKeyInfo

    Sub Main()
            theKey = Console.ReadKey(True)
            Select Case theKey.Key
                Case ConsoleKey.X
                    Exit Do
                Case ConsoleKey.N
            End Select
    End Sub

    Private Sub PrintScreen()
        Console.Write("000,000.00", 1234.5F)
    End Sub

End Module

Hope this is what you want.

Thank you! ;)

Now could i have you explain how it works? :)

I understand how most of it works, just not these two parts;

Private theKey As ConsoleKeyInfo = New ConsoleKeyInfo
            theKey = Console.ReadKey(True)

Ok, i figured out what the "theKey = Console.ReadKey(true)" does (that is why my code didn't work. I didn't use the "(true)".

Anyways, i still can't quite figure out what the purpose of the

Private theKey As ConsoleKeyInfo = New ConsoleKeyInfo

is for

I know that it defines what theKey is, but why is it needed? (poor statement, yes, but i really don't see the need for it...)

It works basically like the inkey command.
dim x as string

The variable that is to except the keyboard entry has to be defined. It is more like a class I figure. This then gives you access to information on the key.
The " = New ConsoleKeyInfo" is there so you don't get a warning that the key is used before it is initiated.

I am sorry, but i don't follow...:-|

I was able to run the code without having the "= New ConsoleKeyInfo" there.

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