Hi all,

I am hoping that you could help me with this. I am working with assembly language 8086. I am trying to put integers into an array one at a time after a prompt. Something like this:

Please input an integer: 6
Please input an integer: 1
Please input an integer: 2 ...

I can print the prompt and allow the user to enter the integer, however I cannot get the numbers to go into the array.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


This is odd...so may reviews and no comments. Is that because no one knows? Any comments will be appreciated. Thanks

Thanks, I will check it out.

I have researched the index registers as you suggested but still no luck. Do you have any other advice or maybe could recommend a good book that could explain 8086 and arrays better? I beleive that my algorithm is correct but it has to be something that I am overlooking. Any suggestions from all would be great.


I have researched the index registers as you suggested but still no luck. Do you have any other advice or maybe could recommend a good book that could explain 8086 and arrays better? I beleive that my algorithm is correct but it has to be something that I am overlooking. Any suggestions from all would be great.


KimJack - you're not really asking a coherent question. If you don't know how to program something as simple as arrays, then any answer given here won't make sense to you. What is emu8086? Is this an x86 emulator you run for a school project? Arrays are accessed with index registers (e.g. ESI, EDI) and conveniently navigated with auto- increment addressing modes (e.g. LODS, STOS, MOVS). What specifically do you need to know?


Thanks for the reply, but I figured it out. You were right it wasn't about arrays but more about converting a string number into an integer.


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