hi my friends. I need your help, I have to solve these three problems ASAP. Please help me with this:

For a set of numbers read into an integer array (arr1) populate another array (arr2) with A*x2 + B*x + c, where A, B, and C are integer constants and x represents value from arr1. The pseudocode: for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { x = arr1; arr2 = A*x2 + B*x + C; } Your program should be able to input integers A, B, C and the values in arr1 from the keyboard.
2) ###############################################
Write a recursive routine for Binary Search of an element from a sorted list of N integers. You should be able to input N, the sorted list and the value to search from the keyboard. A main (driver) function should call the routine. Notes: A binary search is a technique for finding a particular value in a linear array, by "ruling out" half of the data at each step. A binary search finds the median, makes a comparison to determine whether the desired value comes before or after it, and then searches the remaining half in the same manner. The search begins by examining the value in the center of the list; because the values are sorted, it then knows whether the value occurs before or after the center value, and searches through the correct half in the same way. The pseudocode:
function search(a, value, left, right)
if right < left
return not found
mid := (left + right) / 2
if a[mid] = value
return mid
if value < a[mid]
search(a, value, left, mid-1)
search(a, value, mid+1, right)
Write a program that prints the content of the instruction memory, in effect, disassembling the program. Start with the default program memory address of 0x00400000; read words from the memory sequentially and output the first N instructions on the console. N will be an integer read from the keyboard.
As an example, if you have:

Address Content
[0x00400000] 0x3408010a
[0x00400004] 0x3409000c
[0x00400008] 0x01195120
in the memory, the result of running your program with N = 3, would print the following to the console window:

please please i really really need you guys


sorry -- we are not a software factory.

Come on guys I'm running out of time
Who ever solve it I'm gonna pay him
if I didn't hand it by tomorrow they gonna kick me out of the school
please any thing, it has not be perfect just any thing:rolleyes:
:sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

Sounds like you should be kicked out of school if you waited till the last day to start the assignment. Sympathy is a word in the dictionary.

Sounds like you should be kicked out of school if you waited till the last day to start the assignment. Sympathy is a word in the dictionary.

And sounds like you should shut the fuck up if you don't have nothing usefull

Bite me slacker. You deserve your fate.

Why don't you try the assignment yourself and show us what you're having a problem with, where you're stuck, or what it's not doing that you want it to do. And then we'll help you out. But it's very discouraging when people just ask us to do their assignments for them.

Thread closed.

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