hey im trying to make a simple program to calculate backpay and pay rises for my dads business,

ive worked out a pseudocode for it, but am having trouble implementing it.

BEGIN Salary Increase
numberOfBackpayMonths = 5
PRINT “Congratulations! You had a 6.5% pay rise
for five months.”
PRINT “I’ll calculate your backpay and new salary”
PRINT “What is your current annual salary?”
INPUT annualSalary
monthlySalary = annualSalary /12
backpay = numberOfBackpayMonths * monthlySalary * 0.065
PRINT “Your backpay is: “ backpay
newAnnualSalary = annualSalary * 1.065
newMonthlySalary = newAnnualSalary /12
PRINT “Your new annual salary is: “ newAnnualSalary
PRINT “Your new monthly salary is: “ newMonthlySalary
END Salary Increase

any help would b awsome

>but am having trouble implementing it.
What are you having trouble with? The more descriptive you are about your problems/questions, the more help you are likely to get.

What kind of trouble? Unless you show us what you've tried, we can't help. Be sure to read this and this

my bad

basically i cant get the code to work properly,

i havn't been able to get what i have tried to compile at all,

thoguh its kinda mainly cause i dont know C++ to well.

like yea, so basically im asking can someone pls compile one for me i could possibly use ?

>i havn't been able to get what i have tried to compile at all,
Show it to us. And be sure to use code tags like Walt already mentioned.

>thoguh its kinda mainly cause i dont know C++ to well.
Start learning it. Here's a good place to start:
There's also stickies at the top of this forum, so check them out, too.

>like yea, so basically im asking can someone pls compile one for me i could possibly use ?
Show some effort, first.

ah dw i figured it out

i missed a ; at the end of several of the lines, and mispelt iostream :P

thnx anyhow :P

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