hello to all ,
my name is Talal. i have no background in C++. i work in a company as marketing representative. i got a program which was made in C++ by a programmer. and i lost the sources codes file from my PC. now i have to give that program to my boss. pls help me.
Note I can send the documentation file to u to understand the program.

people may want to view your doc file because they can contain viruses.

I only write programs for other people for a fee -- and lots of it. If you want to pay someone to write the program then post in the job offers board.

hi thanx brother!
thats so nice of u. anyway i have already attached the code file wid da thread. and am doing it again 4 u. pls reply me as soon as posible.
thanx once again.

Member Avatar for iamthwee

I can only assume your employer must think you are a c/c++ programmer otherwise they wouldn't have asked you to code it.

If you can't do that then someone (you) must have lied on their C.V.

Other than that it could be a cheap trick to get us to try and do your homework. No thanx :)

naa man its not like dis. it was all my mistake that i delete one of the main file which was containing the source codes since i told u that i dont know anything about C or C++. now one file is missing widout dat file i cant give anything to my boss.
anyway thanx alot
and i dont need anybody to do my homework if can do it by myself.

are you using one of the Windows os ? If so did you check the Recycle Bin to see if the deleted file(s) are there?

Lesson learned: from now on may sure you have copies of important files on another computer, diskette, or cd. backing up files frequently is an important part of the job.

Member Avatar for iamthwee

There are also recovery programs which can recover work deleted from the recycle bin.

Unless, of course you ran a file shredding program immediately after you lost the file. :)

There are also recovery programs which can recover work deleted from the recycle bin.

Unless, of course you ran a file shredding program immediately after you lost the file.

ya but u need a third party disc as well. lol thats helarious file shrsdding where do u come up with that stuff lol

ya but u need a third party disc as well. lol thats helarious file shrsdding where do u come up with that stuff lol

which is cheaper ? buy a good file recovery program for a couple hundred dollars (or so) or pay an employee to rewrite the whole program that he foolishly failed to back up on another disk ? Rewriting programs can be a very expensive alternative not only in lost programming time but also in delayed program release and possible loss of contracts. A software house could even get sued over failing to deliver on a contract.

lol thats not what i ment about the third party disc. and also the recovery program would probaably be better. um when i said third party dic i ment a disc that can recover your hole computer by acessing the hard drive to retriev data from the cpu or maby its the other way around but ya if that makes any sence at all.

>but ya if that makes any sence at all.
It doesn't.

o well thats the best i can do but it doesnt really matter

hi ,
ok tell me is there anyway to get the source file back? that file was in a USB and deleted from it.
pls help me before its too late !!!!!!!!
Ancient Dragon help me pls its urgent vbrep_register("333937")

Member Avatar for iamthwee

>ok tell me is there anyway to get the source file back? that file was in a USB and deleted from it.
pls help me before its too late !!!!!!!!

Here's how, you see those ruby slippers you're wearing.

Click your heels together three times and say "get back my files" out loud.

commented: hahahaha --joeprogrammer +8

hi ,
ok tell me is there anyway to get the source file back? that file was in a USB and deleted from it.

As far as writing the program is concerned, you can be rest asssured that NO ONE would write the program for you. Any more threads on the same topic and I will make sure they are deleted and you are infracted.

If its really that precious to you and if you are not lying about the file being deleted, recovery softwares is what you need right now.

Download any of the demo versions and see if those things can detect the deleted files and if so, buy the software. Best of luck.

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