Hello i have an important homework assignment which is due up on mon 26th and i need a competent java programmer with netbeans expirence. Problem is as follows:

It's a small project and i have basically designed all the forms and buttons needed etc. Now i need someone to link my buttons to classes that use the java.util.LinkedList / Iratator / Serializable functions to just store basic infomations from text fields into a linked list and then into a user specified text file, where i can then search, add, delete etc ..

Its worth about 10% of my final grade, and due on monday so contact me asap ill pay 200$


Member Avatar for iamthwee

Why don't you post your project here for us to look at?

Quit. Just quit now.

I am familar with creating this type of application without a GUI builder.. homework spec doesnt insist on a GUI builder, but i feel netbeans adds more functionalitys quicker and im sure id get higher grades .

As the netbeans generated code can be quite long i put the netbeans generated code onto this paste bin: http://rafb.net/p/ho7SKr98.html

Member Avatar for iamthwee

Ok so what's the actual problem? You don't know how to use netbeans?

well this is the first time i have attempted to make a gui with so many menus and a login system with netbeans, and also i am unlear on how to use the:

java.Util.LinkedList for the linked list as i have only used my own code to initate the nodes etc, why re-invent the wheel? :)

and a way to save the list using
serializable (?) or bufferered reader

and then doing searches on it for specific records, maybe implement a grep util i have code for,

all the time i just really need like 10 JTextFields and 6 buttons working it....

Member Avatar for iamthwee

Ok so you've never used a GUI builder and your project is due monday. Oh dear.

Good luck though!

well i can maybe forget the gui builder and use the classes outside it, but how would i create nodes using the new java.util.LinkedList and present them in a form to save to a text file and manipulate them ?

i managed to knock up a GUI with GUIGenie and it compiles fine in JCreator. now i need someone to help me implement the java.Util.LinkedList and other classes so i can save/read/delete from the linked list !
code is as below:

///Generated by GuiGenie - Copyright (c) 2004 Mario Awad.
//Home Page [URL]http://guigenie.cjb.net[/URL] - Check often for new versions!
import java.io.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
public class stockControlSystem extends JFrame implements ActionListener, WindowListener {
    private JLabel productIdLabel;
    private JTextField productIDField;
    private JLabel productTypeLabel;
    private JTextField productTypeField;
    private JTextField productPriceField;
    private JLabel productPriceLabel;
    private JLabel quantityInStockLabel;
    private JTextField qInStockField;
    private JLabel reOrderLabel;
    private JTextField reOrderField;
    private JLabel reOrderQLabel;
    private JTextField reOrderQField;
    private JTextField costPriceField;
    private JButton firstRecordButton;
    private JButton addRecordButton;
    private JButton searchButton;
    private JButton nextButton;
    private JButton clearButton;
    private JButton lastRecordButton;
    private JButton previousRecordButton;
    private JButton deleteRecordButton;
    private JLabel costLabel;
    private JTextField supplierIdField;
    private JLabel jcomp27;
    private JLabel supplierIdLabel;
    private JLabel menuTitleLabel;
    //private JLabel jcomp29;
    private FileOutputStream fos;
 private PrintWriter out;
    public stockControlSystem(String str) throws IOException{
     fos = new FileOutputStream("AccountFile.txt", true);
     out = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(fos));
        //construct components
        productIdLabel = new JLabel ("Product ID:");
        productIDField = new JTextField (5);
        productTypeLabel = new JLabel ("Product Type:");
        productTypeField = new JTextField (5);
        productPriceField = new JTextField (5);
        productPriceLabel = new JLabel ("Product Price:");
        quantityInStockLabel = new JLabel ("Quantity In Stock:");
        qInStockField = new JTextField (5);
        reOrderLabel = new JLabel ("Re- Order Level:");
        reOrderField = new JTextField (5);
        reOrderQLabel = new JLabel ("Re- Order Quantity:");
        reOrderQField = new JTextField (5);
        costPriceField = new JTextField (5);
        firstRecordButton = new JButton ("First Record");
        addRecordButton = new JButton ("Add Record");
        searchButton = new JButton ("Search Record");
        nextButton = new JButton ("Next Record");
        clearButton = new JButton ("Clear");
        lastRecordButton = new JButton ("Last Record");
        previousRecordButton = new JButton ("Previous Record");
        deleteRecordButton = new JButton ("Delete Record");
        costLabel = new JLabel ("Cost Price:");
        supplierIdField = new JTextField (5);
        jcomp27 = new JLabel ("newLabel");
        supplierIdLabel = new JLabel ("Supplier ID:");
        menuTitleLabel = new JLabel (" ");
        //add components
        add (productIdLabel);
        add (productIDField);
        add (productTypeLabel);
        add (productTypeField);
        add (productPriceField);
        add (productPriceLabel);
        add (quantityInStockLabel);
        add (qInStockField);
        add (reOrderLabel);
        add (reOrderField);
        add (reOrderQLabel);
        add (reOrderQField);
        add (costPriceField);
        add (firstRecordButton);
        add (addRecordButton);
        add (searchButton);
        add (nextButton);
        add (clearButton);
        add (lastRecordButton);
        add (previousRecordButton);
        add (deleteRecordButton);
        add (costLabel);
        add (supplierIdField);
        add (jcomp27);
        add (supplierIdLabel);
        add (menuTitleLabel);
        //set component bounds (only needed by Absolute Positioning)
        productIdLabel.setBounds (30, 75, 100, 25);
        productIDField.setBounds (160, 75, 155, 25);
        productTypeLabel.setBounds (30, 110, 100, 25);
        productTypeField.setBounds (160, 105, 155, 30);
        productPriceField.setBounds (160, 140, 155, 25);
        productPriceLabel.setBounds (35, 140, 100, 25);
        quantityInStockLabel.setBounds (30, 180, 100, 25);
        qInStockField.setBounds (160, 180, 155, 25);
        reOrderLabel.setBounds (30, 220, 100, 25);
        reOrderField.setBounds (160, 220, 155, 25);
        reOrderQLabel.setBounds (25, 250, 120, 35);
        reOrderQField.setBounds (160, 255, 155, 25);
        costPriceField.setBounds (160, 290, 155, 25);
        firstRecordButton.setBounds (15, 370, 115, 50);
        addRecordButton.setBounds (135, 405, 160, 30);
        searchButton.setBounds (135, 440, 160, 30);
        nextButton.setBounds (305, 425, 135, 45);
        clearButton.setBounds (330, 75, 100, 25);
        lastRecordButton.setBounds (15, 425, 115, 45);
        previousRecordButton.setBounds (305, 370, 135, 50);
        deleteRecordButton.setBounds (135, 370, 160, 30);
        costLabel.setBounds (25, 285, 100, 25);
        supplierIdField.setBounds (160, 325, 155, 25);
        jcomp27.setBounds (610, 175, 120, 25);
        supplierIdLabel.setBounds (25, 320, 100, 25);
        menuTitleLabel.setBounds (35, 10, 10, 35);
    //set window listener listening
    public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e) {}
 public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e){}
 public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {System.exit(0);}
 public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e) {}
 public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent e) {}
 public void windowIconified(WindowEvent e) {}
 public void windowOpened(WindowEvent e) {}
 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
     Object target = e.getSource();
     if (target == addRecordButton)
      String s1 = productIDField.getText();
     if (target == firstRecordButton)
    public static void main (String[] args) throws IOException{
        stockControlSystem F1 = new stockControlSystem("Stock Control Menu");

i have continued with the code above and have tried to implement the linked list re-inventing the wheel ... any ideas guys to make the list work and print into the textfields?

///Generated by GuiGenie - Copyright (c) 2004 Mario Awad.
//Home Page [URL]http://guigenie.cjb.net[/URL] - Check often for new versions!
import java.io.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
public class stockControlSystem extends JFrame implements ActionListener, WindowListener {

    private JLabel productIdLabel;
    private JTextField productIDField;
    private JLabel productTypeLabel;
    private JTextField productTypeField;
    private JTextField productPriceField;
    private JLabel productPriceLabel;
    private JLabel quantityInStockLabel;
    private JTextField qInStockField;
    private JLabel reOrderLabel;
    private JTextField reOrderField;
    private JLabel reOrderQLabel;
    private JTextField reOrderQField;
    private JTextField costPriceField;
    private JButton firstRecordButton;
    private JButton addRecordButton;
    private JButton searchButton;
    private JButton nextButton;
    private JButton clearButton;
    private JButton lastRecordButton;
    private JButton previousRecordButton;
    private JButton deleteRecordButton;
    private JLabel costLabel;
    private JTextField supplierIdField;
    private JLabel jcomp27;
    private JLabel supplierIdLabel;
    private JLabel menuTitleLabel;
    //private JLabel jcomp29;
    private FileOutputStream fos;
 private PrintWriter out;

    public stockControlSystem(String str) throws IOException{
     fos = new FileOutputStream("AccountFile.txt", true);
     out = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(fos));
        //construct components
        productIdLabel = new JLabel ("Product ID:");
        productIDField = new JTextField (5);
        productTypeLabel = new JLabel ("Product Type:");
        productTypeField = new JTextField (5);
        productPriceField = new JTextField (5);
        productPriceLabel = new JLabel ("Product Price:");
        quantityInStockLabel = new JLabel ("Quantity In Stock:");
        qInStockField = new JTextField (5);
        reOrderLabel = new JLabel ("Re- Order Level:");
        reOrderField = new JTextField (5);
        reOrderQLabel = new JLabel ("Re- Order Quantity:");
        reOrderQField = new JTextField (5);
        costPriceField = new JTextField (5);
        firstRecordButton = new JButton ("First Record");
        addRecordButton = new JButton ("Add Record");
        searchButton = new JButton ("Search Record");
        nextButton = new JButton ("Next Record");
        clearButton = new JButton ("Clear");
        lastRecordButton = new JButton ("Last Record");
        previousRecordButton = new JButton ("Previous Record");
        deleteRecordButton = new JButton ("Delete Record");
        costLabel = new JLabel ("Cost Price:");
        supplierIdField = new JTextField (5);
        jcomp27 = new JLabel ("newLabel");
        supplierIdLabel = new JLabel ("Supplier ID:");
        menuTitleLabel = new JLabel (" ");
        //adjust size and set layout
        //setPreferredSize (new Dimension (448, 519));
        //setLayout (null);
        //add components
        add (productIdLabel);
        add (productIDField);
        add (productTypeLabel);
        add (productTypeField);
        add (productPriceField);
        add (productPriceLabel);
        add (quantityInStockLabel);
        add (qInStockField);
        add (reOrderLabel);
        add (reOrderField);
        add (reOrderQLabel);
        add (reOrderQField);
        add (costPriceField);
        add (firstRecordButton);
        add (addRecordButton);
        add (searchButton);
        add (nextButton);
        add (clearButton);
        add (lastRecordButton);
        add (previousRecordButton);
        add (deleteRecordButton);
        add (costLabel);
        add (supplierIdField);
        add (jcomp27);
        add (supplierIdLabel);
        add (menuTitleLabel);
        //set component bounds (only needed by Absolute Positioning)
        productIdLabel.setBounds (30, 75, 100, 25);
        productIDField.setBounds (160, 75, 155, 25);
        productTypeLabel.setBounds (30, 110, 100, 25);
        productTypeField.setBounds (160, 105, 155, 30);
        productPriceField.setBounds (160, 140, 155, 25);
        productPriceLabel.setBounds (35, 140, 100, 25);
        quantityInStockLabel.setBounds (30, 180, 100, 25);
        qInStockField.setBounds (160, 180, 155, 25);
        reOrderLabel.setBounds (30, 220, 100, 25);
        reOrderField.setBounds (160, 220, 155, 25);
        reOrderQLabel.setBounds (25, 250, 120, 35);
        reOrderQField.setBounds (160, 255, 155, 25);
        costPriceField.setBounds (160, 290, 155, 25);
        firstRecordButton.setBounds (15, 370, 115, 50);
        addRecordButton.setBounds (135, 405, 160, 30);
        searchButton.setBounds (135, 440, 160, 30);
        nextButton.setBounds (305, 425, 135, 45);
        clearButton.setBounds (330, 75, 100, 25);
        lastRecordButton.setBounds (15, 425, 115, 45);
        previousRecordButton.setBounds (305, 370, 135, 50);
        deleteRecordButton.setBounds (135, 370, 160, 30);
        costLabel.setBounds (25, 285, 100, 25);
        supplierIdField.setBounds (160, 325, 155, 25);
        jcomp27.setBounds (610, 175, 120, 25);
        supplierIdLabel.setBounds (25, 320, 100, 25);
        menuTitleLabel.setBounds (35, 10, 10, 35);
    //set window listener listening w00t
      //setBackGround(Color, white);
    public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e) {}
 public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e){}
 public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {System.exit(0);}
 public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e) {}
 public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent e) {}
 public void windowIconified(WindowEvent e) {}
 public void windowOpened(WindowEvent e) {}
 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
     //Object target = e.getSource();
     if (target == addRecordButton)
      /*String s1 = productIDField.getText();
      NodeList L1 = new NodeList();
     if (target == firstRecordButton)
    class Node
     public String productID;
     public String productType;
     public int productPrice;
     public int quantityInStock;
     public int reorderLevel;
     public int reorderQuanitity;
     public int costPrice;
     public int supplierId;*/
     public Node next;
     public Node(int p1)//, String p2, int p3, int p4, int p5, int p6, int p7, int p8)
      productID = new String (p1);
      productType = new String[p2];
      productPrice = new int[p3];
      quantityInStock = new int[p4];
      reorderLevel = new int[p5];
      reorderQuantity = new int [p6];
      costPrice = new int[p7];
      supplierId = new int [p8];*/
     public int readName(){return productID;}
 class NodeList
  private Node head;
  public NodeList(){head = null;}
  public void insert(String id)//String pT, int pP, int qIS, int rL, int rQ, int cP, int sId)
   Node temp = new Node(id);//, pT, pP, qIS, rL, rQ, cP, sId);
   temp.next = head;
   head = temp;
    public static void main (String args[]) throws IOException{
        stockControlSystem F1 = new stockControlSystem("Stock Control Menu");

start earlier on your homework next time.
And don't you feel very stupid when you don't understand something you know to be "easy"?
Or are you trying to trick people into doing your work for you by making them think it's "easy" when you think it's not?

If you don't understand the core of your assignment, you shouldn't start adding things you know nothing about either as that won't save you when you fail to turn in a working solution.

Posts: 3,340

did you enjoy your flame???

how many of these posts are flames? does it make you feel better ?? more superior ? if you aint got anythin better to do than browse this board and flame people, when not giving any input then you must be a real sad person with no life at all

you just made your home on the internet,, aw how nice.. dont loose any sleep eh

7 posts and already abusive...

You're a lazy nogood kid, hurts to have that spelled out to you does it?

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