I'm creating a web application in VB.NET 2003 that connects to a SQL database... how do I display the data in separate controls (TextBoxes, labels, etc) instead of in a data grid?

Windows 3.11

In the server explorer sidebar you can select what control each field should be and then be able to drag them nto your form

I'm creating a web application in VB.NET 2003 that connects to a SQL database... how do I display the data in separate controls (TextBoxes, labels, etc) instead of in a data grid?

Windows 3.11

You have to assign the parameters and use Stored Procedures (SQL) to retrieve data and display on the labels and textboxes
For example when you retrieve data from sql to your dataset by passing the parameters from your webapplication. You retrieve the data in a dataset.. Then all you have to do is bind the data into a textbox or lablel as you wish..

if its a dropdownlist box it goes like this

listbox.datasource = (datasetname)

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