How to check in windows Vista if DirectX 10 is installed?

Sorry for wrong topic, you can MOVE it if you want.

Vista comes with DirectX 10.

There are some issues for software developers using some of the graphics APIs in Vista. Games or programs which are built on Vista's version of DirectX, 10, will not work on prior versions of Windows, as DirectX 10 is not backwards-compatible with DirectX 9.

Read this.

yes, but everytime I wanna execute an Directx 10 executable Windows stops working. I am trying to run executables from DX SDK.

Perhaps this happens because of my old graphic card. I dont have any visual effects or transparency in Vista Ultimate.

I have geforce fx 5200

Yes, that can be a possibility.

Try doing Run -> dxdiag and run all the DirectX related tests. They will let you know whether your card supports DX10 or not.

Or perhaps Vista doesn't adequetly support your video card. I've heard of many driver problems with Vista, which of course is normal when switching to a new operating system.

I doubt that this is the case for you though, as NVidia has had plenty of time to port their drivers properly...

windows stops working when I start with DirectX diagnostic...I mean program closes...

My graphic card sucks I know...

or else Vista...

I have used that card and it performs fairly good when running Windows XP and even high end games. Like Joey said, its some Vista thing, no graphic card suckiness.

ok, Anyway I will buy new omputer now so I hope I will have no problems(with drivers and other stuff)..

Anyway my computer is graduated with 1.6 of 10....

Well I discovered only nvidia geforce 8800 supports DX10...Do you think other card will support DX10 too?

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