'please help me about making an image browser in vb 6
'i need to get the path of any image i choose
'and i want to make the imagebox resizeble


'please help me about making an image browser in vb 6
'i need to get the path of any image i choose
'and i want to make the imagebox resizeble

Sample Code :
Run store procedure to get the path and picutrue name from table, then use getpicture command to show the picture, pls try
objMaster.MouldName = "MATERIAL"
objMaster.UniqueID = cboPictNo
objMaster.UniqueCode = nOurItemID
Set objMaster.frmcallform = Me
If objMaster.RetPhoto(True, True) <> 0 Then
Set objMaster = Nothing
MsgBox "Error: Retreive Photo failed!", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, MODULE_TITLE
Exit Sub
End If
If objMaster.rs.EOF = False Then
PictPath = strGraphic_String2 + RTrim(objMaster.rs.Fields("IMAGENAME"))
PictPath = ""
End If
GetPicture Me********************************************************

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