hello everyone ,,,,i have recently installed a java version "1.4.2" in my terminal and i made it succcessfully but my problem now is how to compile a java sourcecode using the terminal..pls help me about this

anyway,I am using a ubuntu flavor of linux

Your help is very much appreciated....
Thanks in advanced....

NetBeans (http://www.netbeans.org) is supposed to run on several OS, have you tried that?

which is explicitly NOT what he was asking for. I'll not remove this as spam (though it could be considered such) unless you try the same again.

my problem now is how to compile a java sourcecode using the terminal

after installing a JDK in /bin/sh theier should be an executable file called "javac" so you would do in the terminal "javac helloworld.java" and then "java helloworld" to see text output. if its an applet you will have to view it in a web browser. geany is a great simple app for java. one click compiling, but again you must have javac in /bin/sh

and half a year later someone creates an account for the sole purpose of reviving a dead and answered thread...
Excellent start to a posting career, NOT.

Now how can I create and run a package ???????????????/
I created the package and I am able to run it on Windows environment but I have now shifted to Ubuntu Linux, and unable to run on that and of the most unable to set the class path...................plz help me out!!!!!!!!:confused:

When I was experimenting with Ubuntu, I found many answers to my questions about how to setup java on Ubuntu on the Ubuntu forum: http://ubuntuforums.org/index.php

I created the package and I am able to run it on Windows environment but I have now shifted to Ubuntu Linux, and unable to run on that and of the most unable to set the class path...................plz help me out!!!!!!!

I have been using Linux with Java for a few years now, so *maybe* I could help, but you have to first clearly state what the problem is, in a thread of you own .. not a fossilized thread from a decade ago.

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