Hello All:

Just wanted to inquire about Visual Basic. As I understand it, it is a tool to create GUI's on windows platforms. I would like to know where I could find an online tutorial for novices.

Also, does VB, can VB interface with Sybase Databases using TransAct SQL....????

Thanks for your help....!!!!

VB is not a tool, it is a programming language, you have to add datasources while programming

Please forgive the SEMANTIC error. OK. It is a language. Can you assist with a link to a tutorial for this LANGUAGE.....???

Thanks so much...!!!!

This tutorial will help you learn Visual Basic in your own. It explains everything in detail


Thanks for the reply! However, "The Org" has just made a major software change

This tutorial will help you learn Visual Basic in your own. It explains everything in detail


Okay I will try this again> We here at "The Org" have made a major application software change. No longer looking at VB6. We have switched to C-Sharp.

Any good tutorials perhaps the members here have tried out? Please let me know.

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