Hi everyone,

I'm a newbie here, and have a newbie question.

I'm trying to get a popup menu to show just above my system tray icon/notifyIcon. I'm using TrackPopupMenuEx to display the menu, loaded from my application. The problem is that menu is displayed as a really thin menu, so that no text is visible. The id values 4001 or 4002 come in WM_COMMAND msgs to my window. How do I get my menu to display properly??

PS I'm using dev-c++.

Thanks for any help!

The menu in the .rc file is:

popupmenu MENU
  MENUITEM "&Config",4001
  MENUITEM "E&xit",4002

You should really post some code to show what you are doing so people can pick out what you are doing wrong and help correct it. I have no idea on this one, but if you post some code, surely a more experienced member will be able to help you out.


I don't think it is a problem with the resource file. Show the code where you are displaying the menu.


I don't think it is a problem with the resource file. Show the code where you are displaying the menu.

Thanks for the reply bops & WolfPack. I found that both the resource file needed changing to have a dummy MENU containing a POPUP that I wanted to display, and the trackpopupmenu fn needed the submenu extracted with GetSubMenu(Menu, 0).

Silly me, thanks for your time though.


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