
I am Using VB 6.0 . Please Help me to get the codes to Create Backup and Restore in SQL server 7.0. I request Some one to help me at the earliest.


If you are using SQL Server in you computer please switch on the Query Analyzar. It will ask you the user name nd password. If both are sa fine.
Pull down the Help menu Choose its index. On the Blank space just type in Bacup and choose Backup(Described). Click Display.
You have all the choices on the right pane.

Same way for restore also.
If you can't understand anything, please replay to this thread.

hi Manoharan,

thanx for ur reply. where are u from ? I'll try with the adices that u gave me and wiull get back to u later.


Dear Manoharan, I tried as per your advice with query analyzer but i couldnt find Any backup or restore option in help index.Pls help me to proceed with this.

In the help menu you have to click the first option ie Contents and Index. F1 key or AltC will not work. If nothing is displayed please reply to me I will give you the syntax

Dear Manoharan,

I took SQL Server Querry Analyser Help and choose contents and index. and i typed the keyword Backup in the index but no such keyword appeared in the list. and the same was the case with restore pls advice what to do.


I do not know what has happened. Actually I have replied to you, but could not find on the thread. So again I am Posting.

During Installation of SQL it ask for add-ons. I don't know what has happened. Anyhow, please find the code below. There are so many options in that, but I hope that can wait for, in you case.

BACKUP DATABASE {database_name | @database_variable_name}
TO <device_name>

database_name can be the actual database or the actual database name containing in a @variable

The device names are either DISK or TAPE

If you are giving the TO option you have to append these device name with an equal to sign and the actual path and the file name to hold your backup.

TO DISK = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\BACKUP\

same way the RESTORE

RESTORE DATABASE {database_name | @database_variable_name}
FROM <device_name>

All things are same as BACKUP.
Here the FROM option is followed by a = and the path and filename containing your backup.

So Simple Is it NOT?

Programing is like that dear. When you know the code, it is very simple, Otherwise ...., you know!

AV Manoharan


I have an issue on backing database on sql server 2005. It will not create a backup when the database is on the network. I will only backup when the database is on local host.

I've tried using SQLDMO but I also have problem with it. pls help.

Thank you in advance

@frexyang, you will have to open your own thread. Nobody will reply on this if you have hijacked another members post and even worse, from 2007.:)

Post your new and own question and I will see if we can help. Also give us the current backup code you have...

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