I need someone to help fix the following code and re-write into IF-THEN logic?

public class Mystery4 extends Applet{
	int clickCount=0;
	public boolean mouseDown(Event evt,int x,int y) {
		return true;
	public void paint(graphics g) {
		g.drawString("Click 10 times!",80,30);
		g.drawString("Clicks: "+clickCount, 120,50);
		switch(clickCount) {
			case 0: g.drawString("You haven't clicked yet!",70,100); break;
			case 1:	g.drawString("You clicked once!",90,100); break;
			case 2:	g.drawString("You clicked 2 times!",80.100); break;
			case 10: g.drawString("You click 10 times!",90,100); break;
			default: g.dawString("You click more than 3 times,",50,80);
				 g.drawString("but not 10 times!",90,100);

This should be your main switch() convertered to if statements...

	g.drawString("You haven't clicked yet!",70,100);
else if(clickcount==0)
	g.drawString("You clicked once!",90,100);
else if(clickcount==2)
	g.drawString("You clicked 2 times!",80.100);
else if(clickcount==10)
	g.drawString("You click 10 times!",90,100);
	g.dawString("You click more than 3 times,",50,80);
	g.drawString("but not 10 times!",90,100);

Also, when posting code, please wrap them in [/code ] tags (since I didn't want it to parse the tags there, remove the space between the e and the ]).[code ] [/code ] tags (since I didn't want it to parse the tags there, remove the space between the e and the ]).

This should be your main switch() convertered to if statements...


    g.drawString("You haven't clicked yet!",70,100);
else if(clickcount==0)
    g.drawString("You clicked once!",90,100);
else if(clickcount==2)
    g.drawString("You clicked 2 times!",80.100);
else if(clickcount==10)
    g.drawString("You click 10 times!",90,100);
    g.dawString("You click more than 3 times,",50,80);
    g.drawString("but not 10 times!",90,100);

Thank you very much for your help. I am still learning JAVA.

So, you learned switch before if? That's interesting; I always thought if would come before switch ;-).

I am in the middle of the a class. It seems to be going quickly for a beginner java class.

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