Hi All,

I've developed an application in VB6. All forms are designed at 1024X768 scren resolution. But when I open this application at lower or higher resolution all controls get disturbed. Any clue....

Hi All,

I've developed an application in VB6. All forms are designed at 1024X768 scren resolution. But when I open this application at lower or higher resolution all controls get disturbed. Any clue....

Clue? Well, you have developed all your forms to run in high resolution screen. Then why you balme VB6. You instruct your Users to swith over to High resolution graphic addapters for their monitors.
or if they have, they should install the drivers for this. eg Intel(R) Extreme Graphic and select your 1024x768 resolution.

Dear AV Manoharan,

I can't tell to my users to switch to higher resolution, but my application should be such that it should work for all resolution. If you have any idea about it then please contribute. I've already downloaded some controls but that are not upto the mark (it does not manage control within frame).

Sorry, I couldn't visualize your problem. Could you post some screenshots please?

Dear AV Manoharan,

I can't tell to my users to switch to higher resolution, but my application should be such that it should work for all resolution. If you have any idea about it then please contribute. I've already downloaded some controls but that are not upto the mark (it does not manage control within frame).

Shrini, It is the drawback of every new technology. We can have upward compatibility to an extend. But seldom downward compatiblity. You have two choices. One is simple. Recereate all your forms with lower resolution. The other is at the program load time you have to ascertain in which resolution the user works. Accordingly you have to load the forms seperately created to work on those resolutions. I do not know yet that there are controls to change the resolution of a display object. Even if it is there how it acsertain the User's resolution implicitly? If you come accross such a thing please send me a message.

AV Manoharan

Hello Veena,

Thanks for reply. I visisted the link and tried but it is clearly mentioned that design the form in 800X600 resolution. I've developed my application in 1024X768 resolution. It doesn't work perfectly at lower resolution.


Hi Shrini,

To Create a Screen Resolution-Independent form, Check this Link from M$ Here :



Hi Srini,

As mentioned in the Link above,
it is always a good idea to design the form in Lower Resolution and then resize for higher ones.
If u do the Reverse way, u can still do it, change this :
DesignX = 1024
DesignY = 768
But the SCreen would look too distorted..
Next time when u do a new Form Design, just follow this Rule..


Hi Kshrini,

One way you can apply to solve your problem. You can design your application in such a way that it should check the resolution that has been currently set in user's computer. If it is 1024*768 then you allow the user to run the application otherwise you can display a notification msg to the user and change the resolution back to 1024*768. Yes, it is possible to change the resolution to 1024*768 through code. If you wish I can send you the code. Just send a mail to me at the following address :- choudhuryshouvik@yahoo.com

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