Does anyone know?, how can i edit an excel file from visual basic, but without installing excel?

Actually, i know how to create or modify an excel document with code in visual basic, but is necessary add a reference to the excel's object library in the project. the trouble is: if the computer where would reside my application doesn't have excel installed, my application wouldn't work properly...

so that, could anyone help me out to find another way, to create or edit an excel document?... or does anyone know how to process a excel file without the excel's object library??

please help ·´_´

How can you edit an excel file without having excell installed. No way. But there is a way arround.

First your program should check whether excel is installed or not. If installed take the normal course for creation editing etc. If not installed, take another course in you program for creation of a text file (if already created in an earlier run, Append,update etc ),with delimiters corressponding to columns and lines as raws. Later when installed you can check the existence of this text file and convert it to excel file and the earlier one deleted.

It is really a very brilliant task.

If you have the patience and a Will, get back to me. I will explain to you the details. For the time being, warn the User that your program required excel to be installed and exit.

Happy Programming

AV Manoharan

when u create the set up using package and deployment wizard , it will automaticall include all the .dll ,.ocx and other required files with the set up. All these files will be installed in the target system at the time of installation. So it is not necessary to install Excel in that system. your application will work fine.
But the only problem is u will not get an Excel file to work on.

How can you edit an excel file without having excell installed. No way. But there is a way arround.

First your program should check whether excel is installed or not. If installed take the normal course for creation editing etc. If not installed, take another course in you program for creation of a text file (if already created in an earlier run, Append,update etc ),with delimiters corressponding to columns and lines as raws. Later when installed you can check the existence of this text file and convert it to excel file and the earlier one deleted.

It is really a very brilliant task.

If you have the patience and a Will, get back to me. I will explain to you the details. For the time being, warn the User that your program required excel to be installed and exit.

Happy Programming

AV Manoharan

ok, i want to use this to create a report, but i need to put colors in the cells, and to merge some cells too, ... so things i can only do with excel...
There are some visors, wich are used to see and edit the excel content of a file, so... i want the program to create the excel reports, without the need of have excel installed in the computer.
If i use text or csv files (..or something like that), maybe i couldn't give to the user reports with the optimal format, and also the report may not be read for any visor for excel...
That's why i'm looking for one way to create a excel file without have excel installed.

when u create the set up using package and deployment wizard , it will automaticall include all the .dll ,.ocx and other required files with the set up. All these files will be installed in the target system at the time of installation. So it is not necessary to install Excel in that system. your application will work fine.
But the only problem is u will not get an Excel file to work on.

Well, ... i think, if you use a reference to excel from your application, you need to have all excel installed in the machine.
When you have a reference to another application, you only take the name of the 'exe' file ("EXCEL.EXE" in this case) but excel needs lots of other files to work, not only that one file, and you must include all required files for excel into your setup too, and also register some codes that excel needs, and the license, etc... so that, anyway you need excel installed as in the development computer as in the final computer...
That's what i've learned while using excel in my applications... :icon_rolleyes: he he

ok, i want to use this to create a report, but i need to put colors in the cells, and to merge some cells too, ... so things i can only do with excel...
There are some visors, wich are used to see and edit the excel content of a file, so... i want the program to create the excel reports, without the need of have excel installed in the computer.
If i use text or csv files (..or something like that), maybe i couldn't give to the user reports with the optimal format, and also the report may not be read for any visor for excel...
That's why i'm looking for one way to create a excel file without have excel installed.

See, excel is a program that has innumarable intricacies built into it, apart from somany externals, such as dlls, ocxs and what not. Only God and Bill know it. And it helps you to design all the features you wish to give to your report . I can't understand your idea to incorporate all the features and produce a report which looks like an excel report but sans excel ! You are really Great! If you can do that, believe me, I will be the first person to buy it and will discard Microsoft's world famous excel.

If u want to use features of excel or handle wilr excel fiels any way u need to include the components in your development system.
Else there is only option left for you as AV said i need to write all that by your self if u can.
and I will also purchase that product from u with full license.

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