
I am writing a small app which has just one form with a few browsers in it. It works majorly

something like tabbed browsing.
Here is wat i am looking for.

I need to insert a command button which minimizes the form when clicked.

I also want to know if i will be able to give an option to the user to send a standard mail format.

i.e the content of the e-mail remains the same. The user will need to enter the e-mail address.
i.e just enter the e-mail address in a text box may be and click on a button and then shu.. the

mails goes from outlook. OR opens the mail templete using outlook and the user clicks on send to

send it.

The third question is
In one of the browsers in the form, i am looking to open a page which will open only in IE 5.5 or


I am using VB6.

Thank you in advance for all u r advises.

Kindly excuse if my questions sound stupid, i have just started doing all this.. still a newbie in

programming you knw....



minimize form : write this code in Commandbutton click event:

Me.WindowState = vbMinimized

Add a WebBrowser control to ur Project and give this code to goto reqrd page:

WebBrowser1.navigate2 "www.yahoo.com"

Sending Email thru VB:


HI Veena,

Thankyou for the response. I have been able to solve both the mail and minimise questions as per your advise. However the borwser.navigate2 didnot help. I either get an error that you need to have IE 5.5 or higher or it sometimes tries to browse and freezes up, then i get a message that its not responding and to send an error report since it closed.


What is ur default internet browser..?
i think my code is for IE..
IE or Netscape or Firefox...?


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