how do i assign -let's say number 12000- to 3-byte stream?
could u plz give a little code example?


Did that mean you want to assign any number that can be stored in 3 bytes storage space? if so, I would suggest the following code. (I think if taken unsigned the maximum number would be 0xFFFFFF = 16777215 in decimal.) Providing a simple example. can not consider it perfect solution though.

unsigned char ch[3];
    unsigned long int d;
        ch[0]= d&0xFF;
        ch[1]= (d>>8)&0xFF;
        ch[2]= (d>>16)&0xFF;

Why do u want to place that in a 3 byte stream when that can fit in 2 byte stream.


Did that mean you want to assign any number that can be stored in 3 bytes storage space?


ch[0]= d&0xFF;
        ch[1]= (d>>8)&0xFF;

let's say d = 1200;
what does these lines do? could u show the results in bitstreams like 0010101.......?

/* This is the explanaton 
  ch[0] = d & 0xFF;       --->    0000 0100 1011 0000
                                & 0000 0000 1111 1111
                                  0000 0000 1011 0000   --> ch[0]
  ch[1] = (d >> 8) & 0xFF  -->    0000 0000 0000 0100
                                & 0000 0000 1111 1111   
                                  0000 0000 0000 0100   -->  ch[1]


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