hye...currently i am developing stego application for my final project..
and i will using vb6..

what i need to know is the code for manipulating the bit because as u all knows that LSB insertion plays with all the bits stuff..

sorry ..my english are too bad..hope u all can understand..

hye...currently i am developing stego application for my final project..
and i will using vb6..

what i need to know is the code for manipulating the bit because as u all knows that LSB insertion plays with all the bits stuff..

sorry ..my english are too bad..hope u all can understand..


Hi frd,
this is praveen. Even i am doing project on AUDIO STEGANOGRAPHY.
I am stii in starting stage. I know the LSB coding method but i dont know in which language i will hav to do this.. n also how to represent audio n sequence of bits..
pls do reply to praveen_cs52@yahoo.co.in
hope u reply..

commented: Chat-speak and thread necromancy. -4
commented: Taste It. -2

what i need to know is the code for manipulating the bit because as u all knows that LSB insertion plays with all the bits stuff..

Two things would be helpful:

1. Give us some example of data that you want to work with.

2. What expected outcome you wish to see from this data.

Without that info, it's pretty hard to help.

commented: Don't Egg Him On. -2

Did a little research. But I believe what you need to do is to deal with your file as a Binary File. And then you need to Bitshift your data in some kind of a loop to examine it. Unfortunately, VB6 does not have a bitshift operator. But there are alternatives.

Do a google search. These couple words should give you some good examples.

Bitshift VB6

can i get the code foer steganography in asp.net

hey please suggest applications of audio steganography project.

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