
Kindly help me starting with the Java program. Find the specification of the code in the .doc file attched.



any help is not provided this way... :-S... this is the board rule... you must have to make your effort to solve the problem... if you face any difficulty in understanding anything which seems to be not working after your HARD WORK, then feel free to ask here (show wat have u tried).. we will be more then happy to assist you... n good luck!

I really apologise for violating the board rules.

I am wrking in the program nd will update the post if any helop is reqd.

Thnx for guiding me.

Cheers !

no, we're NOT going to do your homework for you.
And we're NOT going to open some Word document posted by someone who doesn't even bother to write proper English (or anyone we don't personally know for that matter).

Guidance: do your own homework, don't go play until someone hopefully (for you) is stupid enough to do it for you.

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