I am getting the list items from a access database to a list box in my form. But it is showing the list items in a line for each items. As the list box is a narrow one, i cant see the whole line. How can i see the whole line in my list box, or make it in a multiline?
Can i write morethan character in a column in ms access? how?


Why not increase the Physical Width of the List Box, till whatever ur Form's Width...? Another way round is to Show the Data in a FlexGrid and make the Cell's Property WrapText to true...


Increasing the physical width is not possible as there are some other buttons in the form. What about the access problem?


I really did not get u what u want abt Access. Like if the Column is Defined for 30 Chars, then u can save 30 chars. and for textField, it is limited to 255 chars. If u want more that that, may be split it across 2-3 Columns or, use a Memo Field, it can hold up to 64K..


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