hi every one
I have lots of excel tables which I need to fech specific data from them and show it on my form so that the user can choose them and I need to record the user's choices in one excel file.
how do u think I should explore the data(choices)to the user?
(combobox,data grid,.....????????????????????)
please help me

It depends on how much data you have and how users expect it to be presented... That's a design thing that's up to you.

To perform has u said-1)fetch the data from one table& display it on the form using -dropdownlist, 2)then based on his/her selection (or user clicked)just display it on other table thats it...
1)select * from table where ID=" & id.txt
2)insert into table2 where ID =" &id.selectedvalue
happy coding....

Again! its a personal choice representing data. You have different options to choose from to design the interface. To provide list options to the user to can use listbox, combobox, listview, checkboxes or radio buttons depending upon the situation and need.

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