Does anybody knows good website with a tutorial for C++. What I really looking for is a tutorial regarding the linked list, stack and queues with a good explanaitions. It would be lovely if anybody knows the site with an practice exercises on them (I mean programs) with an explanation or just answers (written program)
ASnybody can help?
I have a problem u\nderstending it.
Is it hard or It's me?

Have you tried Cprogramming.com, it's a good overall reference and they have a bunch of sample code on there you can use as well. Aside from that cplusplus.com has a fairly robust reference you can use.

>What I really looking for is a tutorial regarding the linked list, stack and
>queues with a good explanaitions.
I haven't yet gotten around to covering stacks and queues, but this may be useful to you.

>Have you tried Cprogramming.com
Yes, I have. The FAQ is good, the forums are good, the tutorials...not so good.

>Is it hard or It's me?
Yes, it's hard. Programming is hard. Get used to it.

wow your site is amazing Narue....

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