I am tyring to write a simple program to displa yloan information. Here are my instructions:

The monthly payment on a loan may be calculated by the following formula
monthly payment=(monthlyrate*(1-monthlyrate)^time/(1+monthlyrate)^time-1)*loanamount
Use pow function in your formula

To raise a number to the power of another number you will have to use the pow function.
You will have to include the following header file
#include <cmath>

You will prompt the user for the following information:

Annual Rate: Note that you will have to take the user entry and divide it by 12 to get the monthly rate and then further divide by 100 to convert it to a percentage. (12 % annual interest would be 1% monthly interest.) You will be using the converted rate in your formula. The user entry is the annual rate but you will use the monthly rate in your formula

N is the number of payments

Loan amount

Calculate and displays a report similar to the following: (Sample data)

Loan Amount: $ 10000.00
Annual Interest Rate: 12
Number of Payments: 36
Monthly Payment: $ 332.14
Amount Paid Back $ 11957.15
Interest Paid: $ 1957.15

Loan amount should be between $100 and $500,000
Interest rate should be between 1 % and 20%
Number of payments should be between 5 and 360 months

The report should be formatted and aligned according to the above

Here is my code so far:

#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;

int main ()

double doublerate, rate, payment, paid, interest, annualrate,amount; // Declaring variables
int number;
payment=((pow(doublerate, number)*rate)/pow (doublerate, number)-1)*amount;


cout << "Loan Interest Program";                         // Program Name
cout << "\n\n\nPlease enter your annual rate\n";         //Asks for user input 
cin >> annualrate;                                       //Gets user info
do {
cout << "\nPlease enter the number of payments\n";       //Asks for user input
cin >> number;                                           // Gets user info 
      do {
         cout << "\nPlease enter loan amount\n";         //Asks for user input
         cin >> amount;                                  //Gets user info
              do {
                  printf("\nLoan Amount:                  $%-7.2f", amount);
                  printf("\nAnnual Interest Rate:          %-2.2f", annualrate);

                  cout << "%";
                  printf("\nNumber of Payments:              %-2d", number);
  	             printf ("\nMonthly Payment:	          $%-3.2f", payment);
                  printf("\nAmount Paid Back	         $%-6.2f"), paid;
                  printf ("\nInterest  Paid:		      $%-6.2f", interest);
                  cout <<"\n\n";
             } while (amount >100 && amount <500,000);
     } while (number <360 && number >5);
}while (rate <20 && rate >1);


I know it's weird, but my instructor wants us to use C and C++, and wants us to use pow and a do/while loop.

> paid=amount/number;
You need to do these calculations AFTER you have input values into the program, not before.

Ok, now I have this:

#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;

int main ()
   double doublerate, rate, payment, paid, interest, annualrate,amount; // Declaring variables
   int number;


   cout << "Loan Interest Program"; 
   cout << "\n\n\nPlease enter your annual rate\n"; 
   cin >> annualrate; 
  if (rate <20 && rate >1);
      cout << "\nPlease enter the number of payments\n";
      cin >> number;
       if(number <360 && number >5); 
                 cout << "\nPlease enter loan amount\n"; 
                 cin >> amount; 
                  if(amount >100 && amount <500,000)
                         {   paid=amount/number;
                             payment=((pow(doublerate, number)*rate)/pow (doublerate, number)-1)*amount;
                             printf("\nLoan Amount: $%-7.2f", amount);
                             printf("\nAnnual Interest Rate: %-2.2f", annualrate);
                             cout << "%";
                             printf("\nNumber of Payments: %-2d", number);
                             printf ("\nMonthly Payment: $%-3.2f", payment);
                             printf("\nAmount Paid Back $%-6.2f"), paid;
                             printf ("\nInterest Paid: $%-6.2f", interest);
                             cout <<"\n\n";
                                  cout << "Amount must be between $100 and $500,000.";
                                  cout << "Number must be between 5and 360.";
                                  cout << "Rate must be between 1 and 20.";                       

I am getting these messages:
expected primary-expression before "else"

expected `;' before "else"

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Do you know how a basic if else clause works. If not, google it.

If you're not going to use braces round your else statements, then you need to be a lot better at indentation.

> if (rate <20 && rate >1);
Watch that ; at the end

> if(amount >100 && amount <500,000)
Comma is also an operator. It is not a digit group separator.

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