I'm trying to write a small text editor in wxWidgets, using wxDev-Cpp. So far, all is well. However, for the life of me I can't work out how to print (As in, onto paper). As far as I can deduce, I need to use the wxPrinter class. Browsing the wxWidgets manual, though, proved a fruitless experience, as it might as well be written in chinese! Can anyone give me a simple way of printing the contents of an edit control?

Ben Ward

I'm trying to write a small text editor in wxWidgets, using wxDev-Cpp. So far, all is well. However, for the life of me I can't work out how to print (As in, onto paper). As far as I can deduce, I need to use the wxPrinter class. Browsing the wxWidgets manual, though, proved a fruitless experience, as it might as well be written in chinese! Can anyone give me a simple way of printing the contents of an edit control?

Ben Ward

When I use wxDevC++, I get a 'can't find -lwxmsw28' error... How did you get it to work?

When I use wxDevC++, I get a 'can't find -lwxmsw28' error... How did you get it to work?

Save yourself some pains and download codelite

Save yourself some pains and download codelite

Has the codelite visual designer for wxWidgets like wxDevC++ ?

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