Methods before Members or Members before Methods?

In a header file, which do you define/declare first. Do you list all your variables before the methods (also known as functions), or do you do it the other way around?

I always thought that you put the variables first. That was the way I was taught in school. Now I hear that that is wrong and you have to do it the other way. I am told you should list the methods first.

I know this is all just asthetic. But there must be a set accepted way to do this. What is it? I mean, if you were looking at some sample/example C++ code, how would you expect to see the header files to be written?

I've seen it done both ways -- and even seen people mix them. Myself, I prefer listing methods first.

>Now I hear that that is wrong and you have to do it the other way.
This is a style issue. If your employer requires it, then their word is law. Otherwise, tell the person who said it was wrong it stuff it and do what you find most comfortable.

>But there must be a set accepted way to do this.
Why? Not everything is black and white. As a programmer you have a slew of options that are all equally good. Just pick one and be consistent with it.

>how would you expect to see the header files to be written?
I would expect them to be written with my style because my style is clearly the best. ;)

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