I try to copy tree by shutil.copytree().
While the function run, I get some Exception "File name too long".
The path+fike name are realy long, and the exception as I understand is from the OS not Python.
Do you have any solution?
* I can not change the directory tree, the main path or files name.


So what is your OS and type of FAT? I have seen similar errors with C# code too.

Win xp.

Has any1 found a solution to this? I have been having the same type of problem lately and I read online that a Long Path Tool can help. Any1 heard of it from pathtoodeep(dot)com? Not sure if I'm suppose to be posting links but any feedback is appreciated. It's been helping a lot of people and getting great reviews so I was curious.

Try "Long path tool" and your problem will be sort out.Hope this will be helpful to you.

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