I want to create an Instance of Class(Object) In Visual Basic.Using "Create Object " Syntax. please refer attached CPP & header File for the class COMOutput. How can i create an object for this COMOutput Class in Visual Basic. And I need to access the Functions Defined in The COMOutput.Cpp. PLease Help me.Thanks


You need to compile this cpp class as a .DLL and then refer this dll in your VB propject.

You are good to go.

Create a dll file using VC++ Win32 Dynamic-Link Library Project type.
Compile the dll and register it in system32.

Hi Binoj

I have tried to create a DLL with the C++ & the Header file. But i got Errors While Creating . As i have No idea on What Header Files to be included for the Errors. Can u help me on that

.CPP and .H files can't be directly referenced fronm VB. compile to .DLL file and then instanceate in VB.

HI debasis,

I have tried to create a DLL with the C++ & the Header file. But i got Errors While Creating . As i have No idea on What Header Files to be included for the Errors. Can u help me on that ..please try to create a DLL with the files i have attached & can u give me a feedback on Errors....Thanks

create a DLL.register
to to command prompt and type
c:>regsvr32 <complete path of DLL>

open your vb project. go to project-refrences- add the DLL from the list

now create a object
dim obj as new <nameof DLL.ClassName>

now u can use the function

hope this will work

.CPP and .H files can't be directly referenced fronm VB. compile to .DLL file and then instanceate in VB.

Please see the post before you post redundant replies.

create a DLL.register
to to command prompt and type
c:>regsvr32 <complete path of DLL>

open your vb project. go to project-refrences- add the DLL from the list

now create a object
dim obj as new <nameof DLL.ClassName>

now u can use the function

hope this will work

I think thats what i posted in my first post. Please take time to read before posting.

.CPP and .H files can't be directly referenced fronm VB. compile to .DLL file and then instanceate in VB.

I have tried to create a DLL with the C++ & Header file. It is using ATL/COM Model ..So if i tried to create a DLL i am getting Errors. How to create it Properly. PLease can you refer the files Attached COMOutput.h COMOutput.Cpp

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