Hi guys, our goal is to try to create a c++ rendition of the same game. I have coded all the way up to the first real part of the program, trying to remove cells based off of what the user inputs.

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
void chooseNumber(int& gameRow, int& gameColumn)
        cout << "Please enter two values, the row and column of the cell "
             << "you would like to pull from the gameboard." << endl;
        cin >> gameRow;
        cin >> gameColumn;

        while( gameRow < 1 && gameRow > 9)
                cout << "Please enter a number between 1 and 9 for the "
                     << "row." <<endl;
                cin >> gameRow; 
        while ( gameColumn < 1 && gameColumn > 9)
                cout << "Please enter a number between 1 and 9 for the "
                     << "column." << endl;
                cin >> gameColumn;
void displayBoard(int gameBoard[15][12])
        cout << "Here is the board. \n" << endl;
                for(int i= 0; i < 15; i++)
                        for(int column= 0; column < 12; column++)
                                cout <<  gameBoard[i][column];
                        cout << endl;
void deleteCell(int gameBoard[15][12], int gameRow, int gameColumn, int&
        bool changeMade = false;
        int tempNum = gameBoard[gameRow][gameColumn];
        gameBoard[gameRow][gameColumn] = 0;
        cout << tempNum;

                for(int i = 0; i <15 ; i++)
                              for(int column = 0; column <12 ; column++)
                                if( gameBoard[i][column] == tempNum &&
                                (gameBoard[i+1][column] == 0 || gameBoard[i-1][column] == 0 ||
                                gameBoard[i][column-1] == 0 || gameBoard[i][column+1] == 0))
                                        gameBoard[i][column] = 0;
                                        changeMade = true;
                                        cout << "Didn't work!";
int main()
        int gameBoard[15][12];
        int gameRow = 0;
        int gameColumn = 0;
        int tempCounter =1;
        srand (  time(NULL) );
        cout << "Welcome to the Same Game. The rules are as follows: "
             << endl << "You will be given a 15x12 grid filled with "
             << "random integers spanning from 1 to 9. The object of "
             << "the game is to eliminate 'cells', or two or more "
             << "similar integers connected together vertically or "
             << " horizontally until the entire board is clear. If "
             << "you run out of moves, then it's game over. \n" << endl;
        for(int i= 0; i < 15; i++)
                for(int column= 0; column < 12; column++)
                         gameBoard[i][column] = rand() % 9 + 1;
                cout << endl;
        chooseNumber(gameRow, gameColumn);
        deleteCell(gameBoard, gameRow, gameColumn, tempCounter);

For the life of me, I can't understand why my delete cell function won't work. Any help would be appreciated, whether it be pointing me to some other source or whatnot :)

What won't work? People mightn't compile your code so you're going to have to give us some more info.

Errors, warnings, crashing?

The deleteCell function doesn't work as expected. The else state that says didnt work was only for testing purposes. I don't believe that it is actually changing values that are the same number as the user selected # and next to a 0 into a 0.

Basically, I store what number the user chooses, and then convert the number at that spot to 0. Then I have it check throughout the array to see if there are numbers that are equal to the number the user chose and next to a 0. In that case, that number gets converted to 0, and I keep running the loop until no more can be found.

The program compiles, if you need any more information, I would be happy to provide it.

Alright, I believe I have verified that my deleteCell function works. However, I have noticed that how I have coded it allows it to go out of bounds. How would I be able to stop it from checking if column -1 or row -1 for example had a similar value.

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