Hello Could someone Please give me an idea as to how should I try to play .wav file on an x86 using assembly language in Real mode at the computer startup. Basically at the time when OS has not yet booted.
Thank you

If there is no OS, there can't be a file system either.
How are you proposing to load the .WAV file to be played?
How are you going to locate the appropriate audio device?

impossible unless you want to write about 1 million lines of assembley ;)

If there is no OS, there can't be a file system either.
How are you proposing to load the .WAV file to be played?
How are you going to locate the appropriate audio device?

I will read the sectors using INT13 BIOS and the disk already has a FAT file system.

but you would need to write a whole media player and a driver for the sound card.

Seems like you're up on the issues, what's holding you back?

I will read the sectors using INT13 BIOS and the disk already has a FAT file system.

that won't work for huge hard drive partitions -- those larger than about 2 gig.

Seems like you're up on the issues, what's holding you back?

How do I begin i.e. First of all I should know how to play a .wav file using C that would tell me how to play it in assembly. But I dont know anything about .wav files and how to play them. So could someone point me to a resource please

Just punch "wav file format" into a search engine, and start reading.

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