hello every1,

it really makes my mind :confused: about converting sytaxes

especially when converting DAO coding to ADO..

for example in making a Login form, usually you can see sample Login form in the net, but most of them is made of DAO, and i cant use DAO ,since im using a 2003access(and 2007)

please give me tips
on How to,
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VB in low like me :'(

Actually ADO and DAO are totally different technologies. DAO is much older in comparision to ADO,which is the best technilogy as per performance and security that is available in VB 6.0. theya re not compartible with each other. so if you wna to change your cod efrom DAO to ADO u need to do so manually.

what syntax do you want to converted to ado? please clearly specify here.

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