I have to write a code with netbeans for my homework and this is what I need to do
"please create Main.java to test the Account class. In the main() method, create an Account object named myAcct with an account ID of 1122, a balace of $20000, and an annual interest rate of 4.5%. use the withdraw method to withdraw $2500, use the deposit method to deposit $3000, and print the account information."

this is how it suppose to look like
Original informatin aobut myacct
#balance: 20000
#annualinterest rate: 4.5
information about myacct after withdraw and deposit
#balance: 20500
#annualinterest rate: 4.5
the monthly interest of myacct: 76.88

So far this is what I got:
main method

Account myAcct = new Account ("1122", 20000, 4.5);

The Account java class:

public class Account {
    //define class variables
    private String id;
    private double balance;
    private double annualInterestRate;
    /** Creates a new instance of Account */
    public Account() {
    public Account (String id, double balance, double annualInterestRate)
        this.id = id;
        this.balance = balance;
        this.annualInterestRate = annualInterestRate;
    //define get methods
    public String getId()
        return id;
    public double getBalance()
        return balance;
    public double getAnnualInterestRate()
        return annualInterestRate;
    //define set methods
    public void setId (String id)
        this.id = id;
    public void setBalance (double balance)
        this.balance = balance;
    public void setAnnualInterestRate(double annualInterestRate)
        this.annualInterestRate = annualInterestRate;
        public double getMonthlyInterestRate()
        return annualInterestRate/1200;
    public double getMonthlyInterest()
        return balance*getMonthlyInterestRate();

    public String toString()
        String report = "###############################################" +"\n"
                + "ID:" + id + "\n"
                + "Balance:" + balance + "\n"
                + "Annual Interest Rate:" + annualInterestRate + "\n"
                + "##################################################" + "\n"
                + "The monthly interest of myacct:" + getMonthlyInterest();
        return report;

I need help with the withdraw and deposit. anything suggestion is great thank you

Okay I figure out the withdraw and deposit with a little help of someone now I need to know how to I print the information. I need to print it so the first one doesn't include the monthly interest and the second one does.

what do you mean by the first one and the second one?

never mind I got everything sort it out after doing a little search.

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