Okay, i am very new to Visual C++ and i understand the design and stuff but what i don't get is where do you put the actual c++ code to tell each thing what to do?

And by the way does anybody know a good visual c++ tutorial??

Assuming you have VC++ 2005 Express: First you have to create a project -- File --> New --> Project. After creating a console project the IDE will create a few files for you, including <project name>.cpp and .h. you can edit the <project name> cpp file to include whatever you want, and you can add new files to the project if you wish. Then to compile just select menu items Build --> Build Solution.

Yea i know that but how do you for example assign a button to quit the application or if you want to make a calculator how do u do that?

You have to download the Widows SDK and follow the setup instructions that are posted in the download page. Then take a year or so to learn how to write windows programs. Here is a very simple tutorial to get you started. But it would be a lot simpler to learn CLI, C# or even VB. I just don't consider C and C++ to be a very good languages for writing new MS-Windows programs. With Visual Studio 2005 (and future versions too) you can mix and match the different languages to create one program -- such as CLI or C# for the forground windows stuff and c++ for the more difficult background tasks.

Sure, VB is good for writing MS-Windows

To answer the question though, I believe if you highlight in design view, the item you wish to add code to, and then go over to source code view, you will be right at the place where you want to be. It's been a while since I've used the visual C stuff from Ms, but, I'm pretty sure that's correct.

thanks guys ;)

another question tho, What would you consider as a good language to write windows programs which is also begginer-friendly?

None of them are beginner friendly, if you mean easy. VB and C# are easier than C or C++. At one time (several years ago) Borland C++ Builder seemed to be pretty good. I have not used it for several years and Borland has probably improved it a lot since then.

what is c++ generally used for than?

I'm not saying you can't use c++, but its just faster to write graphic programs in other languages that naturally support graphics, which c++ does not do. If you plan to write complex game programs then you will probably want to learn how to do it with c++. It is also commonly used for non-GUI programming

C++ is generally used for writing programs. That's basically it. You can probably use it on any platform.

The notation that someone posted above regarding windows programming, basically meant a windows application. Like anything that you see that has a visual end in windows that doesn't run in DOS style.

C++ basically was created (from my understanding) to automate many of the processes that occur in C programming, fundimentally, it's the same as C.

3d game programmers got a hold of C++ and built on that with C#, to better suite their area of programming. Everything that you can accomplish in C# can be done in C++ or C. Of course, there are differences in the syntax used as well as the rules used, they are all similar, with C++ being most similar to C... C# is the most different of the 3, as it doesn't use the .h header files.

The biggest difference however between all of these is the compiling engine.

As far as what is easiest for a beginner?

It all depends on what type of beginner you are, and how best you learn things, and, what you mean by easiest.

VB certainly has the most documentation around it, and probably more easily read books for vb can be found than any other language. Your problem with this, however, is going to be making sure that the material you are reading, is specific to the exact version of VB that you have, because, a lot of things change from version to version.

C, and C++ are basically unchanged as far as syntax goes, and there is a LOT of material out there on these languages. The problem is finding the right book for you. Most of the beginner versions teach you only the basic stuff. How to build a DOS style input/output application, and very little of it gets into how to build that into a running windows application.
Your books that are geared toward using these languages for windows applications tend to assume that you already know the language basics. Which means, you will have to go through at least the "boring" foundational stuff, for a while before you will even get to see something really pleasing to your eye.

It's all a matter of taste.

If you are asking for a recommendation though, I would say, starting with C or C++ would be the way to go, if you really want to learn programming, because, it will make it easier in the long run to learn other languages as many are based off of C.

Hope this helps

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