Ok, I'll be taking a C++ course soon, and I want to use a class (in college) that was very difficult for me to get an idea of what I'm looking at since browsing around C++ looks very complicated.

In comparison to a college level calculus class how does it compare, and will knowing all of this math help me in the course?

It cannot compare between C++ and Calculus because they are different subject. Learning C++ takes years to understand and to master the subject. One might think that learning C++ is boring. In my opinion, learning software engineering concepts and programming language, such as C++ is my passion. Definitely, mathematics helps you in a long run (in software engineering perspective) not in learning C++'s syntax.
Good luck with your studies.

It really depends. Personally, I compare programming more to logic than real math, per se.

I like to think about it in binary terms, yes or no, 1 or 0. Like, If x or y, then z, type of thing. So, in my opinion, math is very helpfiul, but more for the way you're taught to think in a procedural manner.

It cannot compare between C++ and Calculus because they are different subject. Learning C++ takes years to understand and to master the subject. One might think that learning C++ is boring. In my opinion, learning software engineering concepts and programming language, such as C++ is my passion. Definitely, mathematics helps you in a long run (in software engineering perspective) not in learning C++'s syntax.
Good luck with your studies.

I realize they can't be compared and it probably depends on the person as to which is more difficult, but I'm just trying to get an idea as to what I'm in for. I know it isn't going to be a walk in the park, and I'm getting a bit old (35), but I figure it's never too late to learn, so I'm jumping in.

I like to think about it in binary terms, yes or no, 1 or 0. Like, If x or y, then z, type of thing. So, in my opinion, math is very helpfiul, but more for the way you're taught to think in a procedural manner.

So, you're saying that being trained to think analytically helps?

So, you're saying that being trained to think analytically helps?

That's all I can percieve that helps at the onset, really. Of course, I'm no uber-programmer, so you can take my advice with a grain of salt.

I define a language as a set of symbols with a set of gramatical rules ... c++ is also a language like english or french or german .... but its a language that a computer understands ... and ofcourse a programmer. Its not as easy as calculus ... but its not as hard too ... you take the first step and then you'll go along easily. But pay more attention to your first step.

If Calculus is fun,C++ is close to haven.

Really it's how you take your stand to it,love it and it will love you (if you dont use VC++ ;) ).

Hate it,and it will kill you,almost.


I think C++ is easier than calculus. Calc has to deal with infinite numbers, and often memorization of integration rules and trig functions and infinity. I know I was never very good at it. I think my "sane math skills" stopped at trig and geometry... stuff used to build a house and measure angles and that sort of thing.

C++ allows you to make your computer due things. Read the data on a parallel port. Automate something. Especially when you develop on Linux, you can use C++ and powerful scripting languages to really make a bang of your situation.


I think that the closest Math that can be compared with programming is Descrete Mathematics...

I think that the closest Math that can be compared with programming is Descrete Mathematics...

Yeah... that's what I was trying to put my finger on. In college, I took a class called "Finite Math". That was the closest to "Programming in English" that I ever came across.

I would say calculus is much tougher than C++; c++ is tough but u can learn it easily especially if u have previous experience with programming. I have seen people who r good at math do quite well in programming --c++ is also no different. Like everything else the first step of learning something new is always the most difficult one. And C++ doesnt always mean c++ --it means programming and programming itself is vast and huge. So it will take quite some time to master the art of programming.However, learning only c++ is no way tougher than calculus. It will take u at best 3 months to master the syntax of C++, mastering the art of programming might take years though. :-| And it always depends how intellectual and dedicated u r.

And yes being trained to think analytically helps? Actually that's exactly what u will be doin in programming.

Thanks guys and I'll be looking into the course "finite math" as well.

in my mind calc is harder but then again i love programming. i used to love math till i didnt touch any math classes for 2 years then i took trig my 3rd year of college and it almost killed me. but its all depends on the person :)

Ok, I'll be taking a C++ course soon, and I want to use a class (in college) that was very difficult for me to get an idea of what I'm looking at since browsing around C++ looks very complicated.

In comparison to a college level calculus class how does it compare, and will knowing all of this math help me in the course?

browsing a programming language quickly is a bad idea...especially if you have little programming experience.
Learnig C++ step by step is easy and there are lots of books that could teach you within weeks.
Both programming and calcules require a certain degree of ...intelligence...but if can go through a course of C++ you can go through calcules and vice versa...both courses are taught in any CS faculty..
I would say that both classes are equal in difficulty..
Math isn't needed directly for programming ...but it teaches you how to think in a logical organized way which is very useful in programming...
You can easily take both classes together..no big deal..

Yeah... that's what I was trying to put my finger on. In college, I took a class called "Finite Math". That was the closest to "Programming in English" that I ever came across.

How was Finite Math compared to Calc?

No comparison! I'm doing both subjects right now. And calculus drives me nuts! I mean its pretty awe-inspiring but it never gets into my head. C++ is a different matter. I thoroughly enjoyed every class of C++ till now.
I would give my right arm to understand calculus properly. Btw, I'm left handed :mrgreen:

Calculus is incredibly easy. It has become so easy that when doing it, I am more like a robot than human. I don't even have to think about it. With programming, you have to think about solutions, how to come to one, how to program it, how to devise an algorithm. If you do enough calculus, and I have (graduate level mathematics here), you don't even have to think about it anymore. You always have to think about programming.

C++ is less technical than math. When people call it a language, it really is. It has grammer, vocabulary and semantics. Compared to math, it is much more logic oriented, where as Math is much more procedure oriented.

For example in Programming you use logic to make formulas. In most math classes formulas are provided for you.

After taking my first 2 years in Computer Science, I was able to interpret math like never before...I ended up finding a more efficient way to do everything ;)

Keep in mind Programming is a way of thinking...Math is a way of interpreting.

Well, in my opinion i think calculus is a lot easier than C++. Last semester i took C++, dfferential equations and physics. I was going crazy. I'm good with math, maybe that's why i think Calculus is easier than C++. But I also think that a C++ class can be easy or hard depending on your teacher. If you have a good teacher, then it can be fun. But if your teacher is boring and doesn't explain very well, then the class will be hard and boring too.:cheesy:

I'll recomment you to read a C++ book and be a little prepare before getting into a class. That way if there is things that you don't understand, your teacher can explain it to you. And everything will be a lot easier.

p.s. I think physics is harder than calculus or C++.:)

In my honest opinion C++ is much much harder than any math you will ever do, to a degree. a programmer will spend his life programming only to become a very good sufficient programmer after years of practice and writing apps. But math is right there, its given to you in a book, its up to you to find the answer. I find math to be easy personally, i dunno why, but i find math easy, and i always have, the only math that was hard for me, was trigonomi identities (such as cosx+tanx =? cscx-secx ) stuff like that.

i though too find programming to be fun and easy to a degree, like today i spent all day during fourth period (the period i ta for one of my old math teachers) just thinking of ways i can write a program, i fnally got so into it, that i pulled out my pencil and paper and started writing short blocks of code, then adding some more, writing down comments, things like that. lol i dunno. i just find them both easy and hard to compare, though i think programming will be harder.

last thought..maybe you can compare them in the aspect that they both have periamids you must climb to reach the top. neither one is steeper than the other, both are hard, and take years of dedication to honestly become good at.

or i may be just rambling on right now...so ignore mee...lol

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