I am having a problem regarding nesting loops.for example
for(int x=1;x<10;x++){
for(int y=1;y<x;y++)

i want to know what this statement means. I posted a question to the forum but the moderator has unfortunately taken it off. I need some help regarding the concepts of the program given below.just give me a rough idea in how to do it,



The reason I deleted your other threads is because your question is obviously a homework question and you posted no code of your own for us to critique.

I'll leave this thread open on one condition: Post code that you've written, including the part that you're hung up on. Ask specifically what you're not getting, and someone will try to help. Even if the code's completely wrong, someone will try and point you in the right direction.

We're trying to take a tough stance on people just asking us to do their homework. We don't want the reputation that we'll do people's homework-- we're a help site, not a cheat site.

that means for every value of x u will have x values of y.
the loop inside is execcted x times more than the outsideloop.

i will post the code for the above question.but it does not work

int main()
for(int x=1;x<10;x++){
for(int y=1;y<10;y++){
for(int z=y-1;z>=y;z--){
cout<<" ";

return 0;

please check the coding and let me know whats wrong with it.thanks..


there is a problem regarding the following program..i mean my coding does not work with it..i will post the program and the coding for it.can anyone of you tell me whats wrong with it.thanks.....

i will post the code for the above question.but it does not work

int main()
for(int x=1;x<10;x++){
for(int y=1;y<10;y++){
for(int z=y-1;z>=y;z--){
cout<<" ";

return 0;

posted by--(kalinga)

Thanks for the code! That helps!

So your code is saying:

Nine times,
    Nine times,
        print a '*' followed by a new line

So you get 81 lines with one asterisk.

From what you want to print out, it looks like you want something more like this:

Ten times,
    print 10,9,8,7,... '*', followed by a new line

So your code is pretty close, but here are a few ideas:

First, This line:
for (int x = 1; x < 10; x++)

does the following code 9 times, not 10. Why? because the FIRST time is 1 and it stops when i is LESS THAN 10, so it does 1..9.

Mostly folks in c/c++ do loops starting with 0, but you could also just say '<=', so either of these will give you 10 iterations:

for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++) // 0..9
for (int x = 1; x <= 10; x++) // 1..10

Second, the second loop should probably do one fewer iterations each time. A simple way to do that here would be to loop one less time than x:
for (int y = x; y < 10; y++) // will do 10 the first time, 9 the second, etc

Third, you want to print '*' for each y iteration, and THEN print the new line:

for x
    for y
    print new line here

I'm not sure what the rest of the code is trying to accomplish, but maybe this will get you going in the right direction.

Good luck!

I went ahead and merged this thread, just for the sake of continuity. Thanks for your cooperation!

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