I am having trouble with printing out the number to the console. Instead of 10 printing out I want 16. How can this be fix.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace LinkList
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List studentRecord = new List();


    public class ListNode
        private object data;
        private ListNode next;
        private ListNode prev;

        public ListNode(object dataValue, ListNode n, ListNode p)
            data = dataValue;
            next = n;
            prev = p;
        } // end constructor

        public ListNode Next
            get { return next; }
            set { next = value; }
        } // end property Next

        public ListNode Prev
            get { return prev; }
            set { next = value; }
        } // end property Prev

        public object Data
            get { return data; }
            set { data = value; }
        } // end property Data
    } // end class ListNode

    public class List
        private ListNode firstNode;
        private ListNode lastNode;
        ListNode temporary;

        public List()
            firstNode = lastNode = null;
        } // end constructor List

        public ListNode FirstNode
            get { return firstNode; }
            set { firstNode = value; }

        public ListNode LastNode
            get { return LastNode; }
            set { LastNode = value; }

        public void InsertAtFront(object insertItem)
            if (firstNode == null)     // link list is empty
                firstNode = lastNode = new ListNode(insertItem, null, null);
                firstNode = new ListNode(insertItem, firstNode, null);
        } // end method InsertAtFront

        public void InsertAtBack(object insertItem)
            if (firstNode == null)
                firstNode = lastNode = new ListNode(insertItem, null, null);
                firstNode = new ListNode(insertItem, null, lastNode);
        } // end method InsertAtBack

        public void PrintFromLeftToRight()
            if (firstNode == null)
                Console.WriteLine("Link List is empty.");
            } // end if
                ListNode currentNode = lastNode;
                Console.WriteLine("{0,4}", currentNode.Data);
            } // end else
        } // end method PrintFromLeftToRight
    } // end class List

I found an error I think you should fix. Last line in InsertAtBack, shouldn't you be modifying lastNode and not firstNode? After that the linked-list works as it should, except it will print 32 when you call printfromlefttoright. That is because in that method you told it to print lastNode.


Also there doesn't seem to be any funcionality in your linkedlist that isn't present already in the linkedlists the .NET framework has to offer. Unless you're doing it juts purely for a learning experience.

His list supports mixed data types

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