I have some data in varbinary(max) from database and I have exported it to physical files. Some of these files were in jpeg so I was able to just add an extension .jpg to it and it opened. The rest are not jpeg files.

I have tried almost all the expected extensions from doc to pdf but none worked. I used UltraEdit to identify the "magic numbers" of the file so I can compare them to the ones found here:


But here are the initial Hex values of the files in question:

File one: 48 53 BA 5F

File two: 48 53 17 C8 and so on...

Not found in the link above. My question is whether I can identify the actual extension/filetype of the file so that I can open it?

And yes, I already tried TrID and a number of online/offline file identifying tools.

One hint I got from the database is an extension scz but all I could find about this type is that it opens in SmartDraw application. Which obviously I tried. Didn't work.

Here is one sample file link for download:
Click Here

Thanks for your help.

@rproffitt, I am on Windows but yes, I have tried the equivalent "file" command in Windows.
I tried TrID as well as other Hex recognition softwares e.g. HexBrowser. Still nothing.

Also, try opening them with some zip/compression tool you have.

@Suzie999 I used Compression and Decompression Every tool, but i am not under stand 48 53 what format follow,

But here are the initial Hex values of the files in question:
File one: 48 53 BA 5F
File two: 48 53 17 C8 and so on...

I think you need to consider that varbinary data may just be that and not a file stored in a database. Yes you may find jpeg images if that's the intent of the app and database but you've made an assumption that all varbinary items are files. What if they are not?

So back to the app to decode what is there.

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