Hey, so I'm still very new at programming/coding and for fun, I wanna make some sort of script.

For a offline fighting game. So let's say I press one key, it does one combo? does that make any sense?
I just wouldn't know how to go about that

is there any way I can impliment that in Javascript? or maybe even c++?? preferably javascript :)

Thank you!

While you can search for such, I'm using AutoHotKey to do this. I see no reason to burden myself with Javascript or c++.

commented: Do you know thev autohotkey script? +0

I can't write code for the above since it's too vague but AHK scripting is easy. One only has to apply oneself for a few minutes.

I can teach you I think.
Do you use Java?
Or you can use javascript to run java code;
in java ,you can use java.awt.Robot this class,
it has a lot of functions to press keyboard itself ,move mouse itself,click mouse itself.
like mouseMove() this function,
keyPress this function,
keyRelease() this function and so on
//inner of main function snip outside code try{ Robot r = new Robot(); r.mouseMove(1,1);//(x,y) r.keyPress(...);//(KeyEvent)

commented: Sorry for the late reply, absolutely. I'm still learning but if you could explain it to me, that would be amazing. thank you! +0
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