I m trying to run my php script using the xampp on Fedora linux.
I ve sucessfully started xampp.And tested using
It works well....
But when i try to run my file (php or html)it does nt work..
I put my file exp.html [or exp.php] in the "lampp/htdocs/" directory...
And give "http://localhost/exp.html"
It shows a message:::"File not found"....

One more ridiculous thing i observed....
If i change the name of some pre existing file of xampp
eg. "/htdocs/xampp/start.php" to "/htdocs/xampp/start1.php"
now i give "http://localhost/xampp/start1.php" in the browser it again gives the error message::File not found

Thanks in advance...
Seeking for a quick reply...

Well, check DocumentRoot in httpd.conf . Also check <Directory "path/of/your/files"> in the same file. I guess they aren't properly configured.

Open xampp control panel app, and check that the apache service has started (click start)

Make sure XAMPP is running AND make sure you don't have another instance of httpd running. I think on Fedora you find this info under "Services." If you can't find it there try this at the command line:

> sudo apache2ctl stop

Enter your password when prompted.
Your shell will let you know if Apache is running or not.

Then try this:

> sudo /opt/lampp/lampp restart

Again, enter your password.
Your shell will tell you what's up.

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