Hello Daniweb Community

I am creating a website and wish for the pages url to be the same.

For example.

The site is


I wish for the page


to appear as company.com

If you could help I would be very grateful
thank you

You can't really do that unless you use a frame and links on the page would open in the frame instead of their own separate page. Also, try not to







It's annoying.

I know you can do it without frames because I have seen sites such as Runescape.com do it.

I would like to learn to do it to.

OK then you just answered your own question, go look up how to use frames. w3schools.com is a good resource.

It should be made impossible to do this. The fact that it can be done is a way crackers can sneak into computers.

I dont want to use frames though.....
Though I may do it if It wont allow me otherwise.

But I know you can do it without frames because runescape does it.

Sorry buddy but they do use frames.

If pages don't have different URLs, the web servers can't tell them apart.

How do I make my pages the same URL.
Cus when you save them the file name is what the URL is.

example file is contact

How do I do it so they are all the same.


I already answered your question, you must use frames. Though you though that Runescape wasn't using frames they are.

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