Hi all,

How Can i call a paricular function in PHP From HTML through href.Anybody can help me for solving this.......


Member Avatar for Dukane

Hmm...don't know if you could do just that, but you could pass a variable in your HREF and then have the PHP script read the variable and then call a certain function based on the variable.

For example

<a href="mypage.php?action=delete">Delete user</a>

Then in your mypage.php page:

$action = $_GET['action'];

if ($action == 'delete') {
} else if {
($action == 'create') {


HREF is Client (Browser) control and PHP is Server Script

So if you need to access the dynamic function from the server at usertime from client browser then we need the help of js. This utility is called ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)

you can try prototype.js from
http://script.aculo.us; a coool framework for ajax

HREF is Client (Browser) control and PHP is Server Script

So if you need to access the dynamic function from the server at usertime from client browser then we need the help of js. This utility is called ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)

you can try prototype.js from
http://script.aculo.us; a coool framework for ajax

Ok Thanks alot.I will try with this Concepts...........


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