you please tell me how to call javascript files from c++ code?i know this(iam not 100% sure)
that you first call html files,then from ther you call javascript files.

i dont believe you can call javascript function from c++ but why do you need to do so?

you please tell me how to call javascript files from c++ code?i know this(iam not 100% sure)
that you first call html files,then from ther you call javascript files.

What are you using C++ for? If you're creating a HTML page, then you can just embed the JavaScript files.

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://example.org/js/file.js"></script>

If you want to use JS functions inside C++ code, you'll need a JavaScript interpreter, such as Mozilla's Spider Monkey. http://www.mozilla.org/js/spidermonkey/

I believe what you want is probably simpler, if you describe the scenario better there should probably be a simple solution.

I would like also to use javascript in my programme.

I have developed an application using C++ and Borland Builder. In it, I load an html file which contains an applet that connect to a Wifi Robot obtaining the image of an IP camera installed in it.

I would like to control the IP camera from my application, but the problem is that the functions used to controlled it are written in JavaScript and are contained in that html.

Would the SpiderMonkey or the SpiderApe be useful for my application??


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