I am working on Final year project and it is going smoothly untill i face this problem in

my contact form

Data has been submitted to ibrahim_1_0@yahoo.com!
Warning: mail() [function.mail]: Failed to connect to mailserver at "localhost" port 25, verify your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use ini_set() in C:\AppServ\www\courses\contact.php on line 65

that is the problem , so any one that have an idea about this just inform me .

You need to configure php to be able to send emails.
You would also need a aditional program to send emails, and configure php to use that aditional program.

Read about it here: http://php.net/mail

i read about it and try it but i coudn't get any result , still the same problem found

Are you using Windows or Linux?

If your using Windows, you need to point your php.ini file to your ISP's(your provider) SMTP service. You also need to check with them to see if they allow port 25 to be open, as alot of ISP's close this port off so you can't use it. If it is not open, just ask your ISP provider to open it for you:)

hey man untill now i am using the localhost , so i want to know if its possible to send an email from the localhost server (which is Apache server).

hey man untill now i am using the localhost , so i want to know if its possible to send an email from the localhost server (which is Apache server).

You need to configure your apache to send mail. You need a valid smtp server to send a mail. You can get smtp server ip from your Internet service provider (If they are providing any).

do you men that i must replace my localhost with the ip address of my internet .

Nope. You need to open php.ini file. Look for smtp and enter a valid smtp server address. If you don't have one, contact your system administrator or your ISP.

Thanks man ............. for your help

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