Hello Hello,

Last I posted I was trying to figure out how to post a HTML confirmation page with an autoresponder after someone submits an order. Probelm solved--just about. I got everything working except when the email comes the results don't discriminate between wha tyou ordered adn didn't ordered. it just lists everything and has teh quantity next to the items speciifed. Can someone help me so that the autoresponder only lists that which was purchased, please? Thanks in advance.

While creating email form, check for quantity these there are zero or null (depending how you declare it) should not be included simple if statement will do the trick...

While creating email form, check for quantity these there are zero or null (depending how you declare it) should not be included simple if statement will do the trick...

Being new to PHP can you help me aout a little further by being a little more specific. I actually tried to different if statements to no avail.

if (!empty($chocolate)){
    echo"Chocolate: " .$_POST['chocolate']; 
} elseif (!empty($_POST['double_chocolate'])) {
   echo"Double Chocolate: ".$_POST['double_chocolate'];

as well as

if (!empty($chocolate)) {
    $order .= "Chocolate: " . $chocolate . "\n";
} elseif (!empty($double_chocolate)) {
    $order .= "Double Chocolate: " . $double_chocolate . "\n";
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